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Karen Morris, is an award-winning author and poet.


Morris received the Gradiva Award (2015) for her book of poetry, "Cataclysm and Other Arrangements" (2014, Three Stones Press), from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP).


Her first Gradiva Award (2010) was for her essay "Torture and Attachment: Conscience and the Analyst's World-Seeing Eye", cited as the best published paper to integrate the arts with social justice, and public education of psychoanalysis.


She is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Narrowsburg, NY with specialization in addictions, creativity, childhood and adult onset trauma. She facilitates workshops and study groups on Social Dreaming in conference and retreat centers throughout the country.


She serves as a volunteer Ambassador of Hope for Shared Hope International, educating the public on issues related to sex trafficking and the influence of the commercial sex industry on child pornography.

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